Thursday, July 21, 2011

Perfect Shots

Lately I've been thinking about photography. I know I'm not the best photographer, and I admit to having never really worked at it. I enjoy taking pictures, but I haven't really used my camera for anything in almost a year. It's a combination of forgetfulness and the desire to fully immerse myself in the moment. Too many times have I missed the best part of an event because I was looking through a lens.

Yet today, I sat in my car and listened to the rain in silence. It was a summer shower and the patterns the raindrops on the window were making were so random, yet beautiful. My mind immediately wondered how difficult it would be to get a perfect closeup from behind the windshield. It was strange, but it goes along with the flow of thoughts that have been running through my mind as of late.

A thought slammed into me while I was standing in between the multitude of soft drinks and liquid tea in Ingles. Someday when I look back at my life, I might just think twenty-two was one of my favorite years. I know I've been living by myself for a year plus some months now, but the self-reliance has really sunk in. Yet, I feel like I'm being extremely lazy compared to other twenty-two year olds. I have a full-time job, but I'm not doing anything to professionally better myself, am I? Maybe I am. I know I shouldn't compare myself to other people; the only real competition I have is my former self.

Things seem to have slowly fallen into place and balanced themselves for the moment. It's strange to not have any real stress or drama. It's unnerving to find there aren't any huge problems or logistics to solve. Even more so, it's odd to feel so loose and happy.

My co-worker was talking about his vacation last week. He said he wasn't aware of the time of day during most of it. I wish I could identify with the experience.


My Pet Rock said...

Haha. You feel loose.

No really. That was seriously funny.

jumira-wings said...


NoirKoneko said...

@Rock: Thanks. *eye roll* You know that's not what I meant.

@Wings: Um?