There are 21 days left till the book deadline for TAGA. I really feel like this is putting a damper on my Senior year. Not that I really mind, because I know there's a lot of stress in that final stretch of TAGA stuff. It's just that until that book is printed and bound I feel like I'm going to be on edge.
Add in all the 448 and 444 assignments and you have one really wound up kid. I've been having trouble sleeping. Didn't go to bed till 4 am last night because I tried to fix the TAGA group photo. Dern green screen issues. Oh well, more knowledge to file away for the future.
Already discussed an alternative to the group photo with Lani. I think we're both pretty on board with the idea. Just gotta grab the individual members and work it out. Whoo-hoo.
I don't even know how I'm keeping all of this straight in my head anymore. There are just so many things to do. *sighs* If we could get all that done in six days last semester, then we should be able to do this in 21, right?
Valentine's Day is coming up. Here we go again.