I finally made a mistake at work. These past two work days have been rather irritating. It's all ok though. I can only fix what I can. Just gotta keep smiling. Like my post-it note says.
Glee tonight was pretty awesome. I liked the new songs. Wonder what Josh and Michelle are going to say tomorrow.
Raising Hope was hilarious.
I can't believe I'm really talking about TV.
There hasn't been anything too exciting going on. Went up to Clemson with Matthew last weekend and played board games with his friends. Yay. That was seriously a lot of fun.
Zumba party this weekend, but I skipped class on Monday to work till 7 pm. John might be right. I don't have a life. Le sigh.
I have a really neat PDF of a color wheel to put up on my cubicle wall for tomorrow. Gamut! What the crop! Gee-See-Are!
Work really isn't everything. It's just something to keep me from going crazy.