It's been a tiring day and it's not even half over.
Had lab at 8 am this morning. That wasn't so bad. Andy and I detacked our plates and put them in his drawer. Maybe we'll mount them on Thursday. It shouldn't be too hard. I remember mounting the plates for TAGA's CD label last year. Perhaps I should invest in an eye patch.
Then it was lunchtime. I ran into both of the Dr. Woolbright's in Harcombe. Talked for a while. I really like Dr. Woolbright (the woman), she's fun to talk to. The other Dr. Woolbright (her husband) seems nice, but I haven't really gotten to know him yet.
After lunch it was 405 lecture. We gave our presentation on Kodak Pandora. It was better than everybody's because we had a full color brochure and a powerpoint. w00t! We were also really well prepared for actually presenting stuff. Yay~ It's kind of a nice feeling to give a presentation that goes well.
Now I'm in my room studying for my Environmental Science test. I can't study for it like I do for other tests because the information just doesn't want to stick in my head. It's actually very annoying. So, I'm trying a different method of studying. The one I used in high school with flashcards and stuff. Hopefully that will help. I've done two chapters. Just four more to go.
TAGA meeting tonight. I hope people show up. Awright, time to get back to work.