I was in the grocery store on a drizzly Saturday afternoon. It was a pretty average trip as far as grocery store adventures go. I waited in the check out line and I noticed a guy with a trash bag over a bunch of party balloons. They made such an interesting shape lumped together. It's too bad they can only leave the receiver with a bunch of metalized plastic film and a few possibly good or bad memories. I wonder what they'll do with them? I still have all mine folded in a drawer at the bottom of my desk.
Wonder if I'll ever wake up to a shiny party balloon tied to my door handle ever again. It always made me a little sad inside to watch them slowly deflate and fall towards the ground. Perhaps I'll be the one tying a balloon to the door someday.
The "You may know this person" finder on Bookface found someone I haven't thought about since early high school. We used to be such great friends. Talked all day and night during the summer. He was pretty awesome as far as internet people go. I have no idea how they found a connection between the two of us. I doubt he even remembers my real name.
The binding thread between two people can be so fragile. I wonder how many of them I've accidentally severed in my life. I have never successfully managed to keep up with another person's life. Maybe I get selfish and get wrapped up in my own. It's always been a series of fading in and out. Strong frequencies one week and static another.
I forget. I lose sight of the bigger picture. What a terrible friend.
There is something in the shadows
More than a sister silhouette
Something sinister and strange
That I haven't seen yet
And I don't want to be alone
I might actually need a vacation from all this OT. I feel so tired. It'll be nice to a have a two day weekend.