Thursday, December 18, 2008

A new discovery!

So, I have discovered something that I could have done on my phone a long time ago. Want to know what it is? I can't believe I didn't think of this before.

My phone can record. Therefore, I can record anime music onto it and make those my new ringtones. Bwaha. =D

I currently have the Lucky Star OP. If you don't know what that sounds like then I suggest you check out the video. Now, if only people would call me.

Oh yeah. I've been watching a lot of House lately. Off to take a shower and start in on Kashimashi.

'Nite guys.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Just finished watching Kite: Liberator off of ANN's free stream. I thought it would be awesome (not as awesome as Kite, but still awesome). There were so many hints in the beginning of things to develop throughout the movie.

Then it just ended and fell flat on it's face. What a disappointment. =/