Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Somebody to Love

Glee's season finale comes out tonight! w00t w00t! I can't wait to watch it on hulu. Craig and I were talking about the episode where Kristen Chenowith guest stars, and I ended up watching Glee episodes/videos while studying last night. Now I have the Glee version of Queen's Somebody to Love stuck in my head.

This morning pretty much sucked. I slept through my alarm and woke up at 7:45. Had an exam at 8. So, I ran all the way from McCabe to Sonoco and managed to make it before O'Hara walked in.

The exam itself was extremely difficult. My pencil jammed halfway through. Seventy-five percent of the thing was short answer and I kept second guessing myself. *sighs* Guess it just wasn't my morning.

Now I gotta get ready for the CI presentation at 11:30.

At least Godfrey is just a hop, step, and jump away from McCabe.

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