Sunday, May 3, 2009

Kodak. *click*

I'm finally home! I'm moving out again on Thursday though. *sighs* Oh well. It'll be an adventure.

On another note, I'm going to spend the day with Angel and Daniel. Daniel's picking up sushi from Bloom's for lunch. I gotta go get Angel in a few minutes. I wonder if I remember how to get to Daniel's house. I think I still have the directions in my car...somewhere. >.>;;;

Let's see...things at home have been great. We went on a sort of shopping spree yesterday. I swear, there's this one corner in JCPenny's that's evil cause I always manage to find a shirt or something that I really like and end up buying. -_-;; Oh well, more black to add to the collection!

My room's a mess. It's really bugging me.