Thursday, December 29, 2011


Tomorrow (later today) is the last workday of 2011. It's been an interesting year, and I've managed to record all 363 days of it. Not sure if I'm going to continue this project into next year. I do like it, and it is nice to have something physical to look into instead of cramming it all into my memory.

I've been drifting in and out of loneliness all evening. I've been all sad and weepy lately, and it bothers me. It drove me to finish two Photoshop tutorials tonight and I found those Enfocus Pitstop videos I've been looking for online. Those will be nice reference points in the future.

After work yesterday, I sat down on my couch and read a huge chunk of Stranger in a Strange Land. I finished it when I got home today. The ending was weird, and I wanted to talk about it with someone. Unfortunately, the only person I know who's also read it is Matthew. I know this because I'm actually borrowing the book from him.

Unfortunately, he didn't call tonight.

I realize it's a sad and somewhat pathetic thing to look forward to a phone call. In the grander scheme of things what really bothers me is once I leave work, I don't talk to anyone else for the rest of the day. That's how it's been for the past three weeks. I did have the chance to socially interact with people after work during Zumba, but the classes ended two weeks ago and they don't pick back up till January. I missed the last one cause I stayed for overtime at work and got my dates mixed up.

Sent my socially awkward out to some isolated part in the state of Georgia and everyone else managed to find a life.

One bright spot for today: a field designer at work sent me a recipe for 'Peanut Butter Sweeties'. They're basically peanut butter balls dipped in chocolate on a pretzel stick. It sounds pretty good. Perhaps I will make them this weekend.

Looking forward to more adventures for the new year.

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